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HomeAppuntamentiNel MondoSydney: 10 aprile - assemblea Associazione Culturale e Sociale Sarda

Gli Appuntamenti nel mondo

Sydney: 10 aprile - assemblea Associazione Culturale e Sociale Sarda

 Domenica 10 aprile alle 11, nei saloni della Hallows Church Hall, di Five Dock, a Sydney, si terrà l’assemblea dei soci del circolo sardo per il rinnovo delle cariche sociali. Questo il comunicato originale trasmesso dalla presidente Tania Palmas.



“Annual General Meeting & Membership Renewal”


The Associazione Culturale e Sociale Sarda, Sydney will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday 10 April 2016, scheduled to start at 11:00am in the All Hallows Church Hall, Five Dock. The current committee has been working together for two years and now the time has come to recruit some new passion and energy and we look forward to welcoming a new leadership team to take the association forward.

The formality of the pending AGM requires the President and committee members to step down from their duties so that a new President and committee may be elected. We appeal to you our members to show interest and step forward to be part of a vibrant and exciting comittee. Your support is critical in ensuring the association moves forward into the future. We encourage you to invite your family and friends to consider taking part in the activities celebrating our Sardinian cultural heritage. Nomination forms are enclosed and are required to be submitted to the Secretary 7 days prior to the AGM. Please also find enclosed related documents for the AGM.

Please note that only current (paid) members for the years 2014-2015 are allowed to attend the AGM, attendance by proxy is not permitted. It is very important that members attend the AGM and any one that has allowed their membership to lapse renew on the day so they too may vote. On this day we invite all members are to renew their membership for 2015-2016 (March 2016 – Feb 2017). This is a significant and important day for all Sardinians and also non-Sardinians to renew their bonds with the association.

Membership renewal will take place prior to the AGM from 10.30am. Please Note as motioned and approved at the previous AGM on 15/03/15 membership fees will now be $20 per member. At the conclusion of both formalities, the association will provide a light refreshment. In order to cater appropriately for this day, could you contact a committee member (list below) to indicate your attendance. We hope to see you there!

Yours Sincerely, Tania Palmas – President”


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