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HomeStoria e CulturaMusicaInno della " Brigata Sassari" English Version

Musica Sarda

Inno della " Brigata Sassari" English Version

composed by Ten. Col. Luciano Sechi of the 45° Reggimento "Reggio"    



 Ascolta Dimonios

Formed in 1988, the Sassari Brigade Band has inherited the tradition of the dissolved Reggimental Bands, who traditionally accompanied soldiers into battle. The band is made up of about 30 soldiers plus a squad of imperial drummers and their macebearer.

The band’s repertoire is varied, from traditional military band marches to classical works, including pieces by Rossini, Verdi, Beethoven, Puddu, Sousa and other composers. As well as participating at military events, the band has also played at international sporting events held in Sardinia, since they regularly perfome throughout the island as well as on mainland Italy. The band has been direc-ted by Chief Music Marshall Andrea Atzeni since its formation.

(Translated by Franco STAFFA (MBE) and Max GOLD)


Testo sardo
Traduzione inglese
China su fronte
si ses stzidu pesa
ch'est passende
Sa Brigada Tatharesa
boh...boh... boh..
e cun sa mano sinna
sa mezus gioventude
de sardigna

Bow your head
if you’re seated stand
(be)’cause they are passing
they the Sassari Brigade
Boh Boh
And with your hand show
the best youngmen
of all Sardinia
Semus istiga
de cudd'antiga zente
ch'a s'inimigu
frimmaiant su coro
est nostra oe s'insigna
po s'onore de s'Italia
e de Sardigna

We are the descendents
of those ancient people
that struck fear into
the heart of their enemies
Boh Boh
And we are the standard bearers
we keep the honour high
of Italy and Sardinia
No apprettedas s'isprone
De sa trincea
finas a sa Croazia
sos "tatharinos"
han' iscrittu s'istoria
sighimos cuss'olmina
onorende cudde'erenzia

Su pobulu chi in profundu
Ruju su coro
e s'anima de lizu
cussos colores
adornant s'istendarte
boh...boh... boh...
e fortes che nuraghe
a s'attenta
pro mantenere sa paghe

Che ch'esseret una inza,
Sa fide nostra
no la pagat dinari
ajo'... Dimonios... avanti..
Forza Paris
  (There’s) no money
(that) can buy our honour
Let’s go! Devils!
Forward - Forza Paris.


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